About Master of Buzz

What can the Master of Buzz do for you?


As a business owner of many years, I have always attempted to generate “buzz” about my various endeavors on my own. Shoe string businesses don’t always have a lot of capitol to expend on promotion and one needs to develop ways to get it done without breaking the budget. I’ve been pretty successful in doing this for several years and have supported two different businesses this way. In talking with others in my field and just small business owners in general, I have found that most do not have a clue about how to do this.
Dropping a few hints on some of my social media pages has generated some interest from people that would like help doing this. As a typical business owner, one does not have the time or skills to do this very well on their own. There is a steep learning curve to getting a handle on this “new media marketing” thing. I’ve been doing it for some time now and am learning new and effective ways to do more with less time commitment. I am now available to help others do the same for their businesses.

I can be reached at MasterofBuzz@gmail.com

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